LYDE — Antimachi poetae ux. quam egregie animo charam habuit, quae cum Mortua esset, ille elegiam, quâ maerorem solaretur, sibi fecit, nomine Lyden, ubi enumeratis heroicis calamitatibus, et infortuniis malis alienis aegritudinem sibi minuit. Huius… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
lyde — ● lyde nom féminin (latin scientifique lyda, peut être du grec Ludos, de Lydie) Insecte hyménoptère qui cause des dégâts sur les conifères. ● lyde (homonymes) nom féminin (latin scientifique lyda, peut être du grec Ludos, de Lydie) lied nom… … Encyclopédie Universelle
lydė — 1 lydė̃ sf. (4) plg. 1 lydis 2. ◊ lỹdę paleisti pradėti bėgti: Kad nebijojai, ko teip paleidai lỹdę? Skr. ta pačia lydè tuo pačiu, vienodu leidimu: Jis ta pačia lyde visus javus iškūlė Skr. viena lydè šuoliais: Jo arkliai eina viena lydè Skr … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
lydė — 2 lydė sf. ms.: Lydė laidė, po šilą skraidė, namo parbėgo, žarnas paliko (šaudyklė) Vlk … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
lyde — I ly|de 1. ly|de sb., n, r, rne (fejl); uden lyde II ly|de 2. ly|de vb., r, lød, lydt (give lyd; give indtryk af at være; adlyde) … Dansk ordbog
Lyde Browne (antiquary) — Lyde Browne (? 10 September 1787, Foster Lane, Cheapside, London [His home since 1752.] ) was an 18th century English antiquary and banker, who owned one of the largest antiquities collections of the time. This now forms the majority of the… … Wikipedia
Lyde Browne — may be *Lyde Browne (antiquary), 18th century antiquarian *Lyde Browne (officer), his son … Wikipedia
Lyde Browne (British Army officer) — Lyde Browne (? 1803) was an officer in the 18th century British army. The son of the antiquary Lyde Browne, his baptism probably occurred on 3 May 1759 at St John Zachary, London. Entering the army as cornet in the 3rd Dragoons on 11 June 1777,… … Wikipedia
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert — Infobox Law Firm firm name = Barlow Lyde Gilbert LLP headquarters = London num offices = 4 in 3 countries num attorneys = 300+ practice areas = General practice revenue = profit £76.2 million (2007) [… … Wikipedia
Jacqui Frazier-Lyde — Jackie Frazier Lyde [[Datei:|200px]] Daten Geburtsname Jacqueline Frazier Lyde Kampfname(n) {{{ringname}}} Gewichtsklasse … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jackie Frazier-Lyde — (born December 2,1962) is a lawyer who is the daughter of former world Heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier. In the year 2000, she shocked the boxing world by announcing that at the age of 38, she would begin participating in the sport of… … Wikipedia